Illustrator and artist Nigel Howlett has mastered an art form that is usually limited to the small screen with shows we know and love. Cartoons are becoming more...
In recent years, Germany has become a serious breeding ground for all things in the visual art realm. Perhaps there is something in the water as Germany, yet...
“We all die and nothing matters so I figure you may as well make fun things while you can.” Meet Jack Sachs, a multidimensional illustrator and animator...
“I am fortunate to be surrounded by absolutely limitless, inspiring people. The conversation is sort of the motor for all my projects.” Limitless is probably...
Neven Allgeier is a mysterious man. All I’ve managed to unearth about the Berlin-based photographer and illustrator is that he runs the independent and...
Before we learnt how to Facebook, Tweet and blog excessively, even before we began caring for our Neopets and purchasing furniture for our Habbo’s (Hotel)...
It’s fitting that graphic designer and illustrator Jacobo Labella has a degree in advertising and public relations and diploma in design and art direction, as his...
Melbourne-based artist Miranda Skoczek’s fantastical paintings reveal the narrative between extreme realities and imagination. Her work is loaded with stylistic...
"Leif's work explores themes of connectedness, the relevance of nature and the psychedelic or altered experience. Pursuing a symbiosis between digital techniques...
Words by Eloise Noakes The beautiful work of Laura Junger has us reminiscing of childhood dreams and tea party times. Illustrator, animator and stop-motion...