I am most intrigued not by a photographers talent, skill or professionalism, but their often very personal relationship with subjects. A question we often plague photographers with is why do you shoot what you shoot? The answers vary, some good, some bad, and some quite touching. I was reading up about Coco’s work when I came across her response: “I remember when I had just moved to England, I used a film a day. I woke up every morning to spend the whole day walking around with my camera taking pictures of people I met on the street. And when I was in Shanghai, I just had a feeling that I was able to keep these places and people close to me if I took a picture of them”. She goes on to examine how taking photographs help present and perfect a greater reality she’d like to be in; one I’m sure we’d all like to be in with her. It’s nice when both viewer and photographer can get lost in a work together... and as sappy and corny as that sounds, after looking at her work, you will agree
Her photographs are fresh and raw, her talent unmeasurable...
Check out more of her work, or ‘stories’ as she likes to refer to them via her website.