Hailing from Vienna, Austria, KraftFolio creates all manners of visual and conceptual creations that it’s founder describes as “transterritorial”.
At first glance, you assume that KraftFolio works purely in graphic design, as each work is carefully crafted with precision and artistic radiance, however; KraftFolio has a much larger span of work. The company assists with creative direction, illustration, mural, print, web, video and motion to fulfill the clients needs and create new works that will last a lifetime.
KraftFolio is the brainchild of Edgor Kraft who has gained experience studying in London, Sweden and Russia. Kraft has had work displayed in numerous countries, including Australia, which leads us to wonder why we haven’t experienced his work until now?
Each piece that KraftFolio creates is a clean and crisp work with colour coming second only to intricacy and aesthetic. Bringing countless ideas into fruition, the company has proven to be a world leader in design and will no doubt stand the test of time as new works continue to be produced.
KraftFolio’s work can be seen on their website and on their blog where each piece tells the lengthy story of a unique design company.
Words / Lauren Payne