“Études reminds us that uniqueness can unfold in a single detail.”
The collection includes opposing soft autumn tones, earthy colours and materials that are both classic and contemporary, oh and did anyone say camouflage poncho; yes! The western-cowboy appeal of knitted jumpers, woolen cardigans, and flannelette mesh perfectly with the photographic print t-shirt “Cowboy Boots” by Christian Patterson. The studio collaborated with international artists Nicolas Poillot, Daniel Evans, Brendan Baker and Flemming Ove Bech on said t-shirts, all inspired by objects and still life’s. There are many practical features in the collection, perfect for the rugged rodeo-ranch gentlemen; think Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger in Brokeback Mountain, minus their homoerotic romance.
“Styles and eras are delicately blended so as to create a series in which time seems to hold still for a little while.”
The collection is available via the studios website.