It comes to no surprise that when I find something inspiring like say a photographer or an artist I immediately, like many, begin researching. I look for information, more work, images, links, and other goodies which are somehow linked or sometimes dramatically different. When I found UK-based photographer Joe Earley on the inter-webs, I immediately hunted through google searches to find out more about this talented man. Though information was sparse, I was led to his Tumblr which is where I instantly fell in love with his idyllically homely style and appreciation for all things European. I'm a sucker for the British!
Much like Spanish photographer Igor Termenon’s spread for Revs Magazine, Earley manages to capture the beautiful and truthful sights in Edinburgh and France, without the assistance of photoshop filters heavy and after effects; I have such an appreciation for real images...
Unfortunately his first small book of images “The Isle of Sheppey” has sold out, but by following Joe Earley via his Tumblr you can find out more about the artist and view his freshest work in a quarterly zine he plans to release throughout the year. I could really go for some Yorkshire puddings right about now...