Established in creating and disseminating images for contemporary visual and cultural communications of the avant-garde, Mousse Contemporary offer every corner of the market a slice of their creative culture through their numerous portals.
With a magazine, publishing house and agency, the firm creates, hosts, publishes and advertises their clean cut, throughly executed, and always stylish aesthetics. Their desire to communicate their agency’s client’s images so that they still feel relevant in the contemporary art and cultural agenda means they are always producing work that is inline with their magazine’s content. Similarly their publishing of catalogues, essays, books and editions also interplays with this.
From museums, public and private institutions and firms, to art galleries and fairs, Mousse’s clients encapsulate what the firm represents as a brand, and this in turn is reflected in the work they do for these clients. Through close dialogue with their clients and contributors worldwide– there are editors in most major art capital cities; London, Paris, Los Angeles, the Italian bimonthly magazine, agency and publisher has established themselves as a successful enterprise in not only critiquing art and cultural curating, but also adding to it.
Thus Mousse Contemporary’s work as a magazine and publishing house has positioned them globally to provide solid design solutions on both the conceptual and execution fronts, whilst still conceiving and distributing original, and unique content, events, stories and advertising.
Words / Jamie-Maree Shipton