To balance the dark and warm garments, the brand shot their F/W buys against a backdrop of pastel shades and pop-art bling; the clothing lives and breathes in the spaces between. Photographed by Daniela Trost, there is many ideas floating around, but all of them work. There is so much personality and flash in the photographs, it achieves what a lookbook ultimately should: interest.
In an alternate, meta self-referential twist, the images are printed, displayed and shot again. It’s quirky, graphic and very now. The collection is all about opposites; the extremes of the imagery is also found in the selection of brands and the materials Grundtner & Söhne source. Featured are European and American brands are G&S staples: Our Legacy, A Kind Of Guise, Norse Projects, Études, Libertine-Libertine and The Jante Law. They’ve also included their newest additions like Carven, Matthew Miller, and FrenchTrotters. There’s something really intriguing about cool European tailoring contrast against flashy 90’s colours... It’s sharp but not severe, and I like it.